Louise's turn over on
Dotties world and she has chosen....
I fancied a change so here's the challenge;
Make something using a Charmed download but IT CAN'T BE A CARD!So i used the Sleigh download from the Christmas Bundle,(click the blinkie)available from Charmed Cards and Crafts.This is the image directly from the download,not put on word to re-size,so it is quite big,but could be anysize you like!
On my Epsom Printer I went to advanced settings and clicked on mirror image,to make the opposite side for the sleigh,I then cut them out and coloured with different Sakura Pens.
I then,which you can't see glued to acetate and cut around the outside of the shapes ,leaving the ski's in one piece for stability, I then cut out a tray shape to join the two pieces together,if anyone is interested contact me and I'll send you what size and shape to use.

Then came the problem,find enough sweeties to fill it, luckily I found a few,so added some foil to the tray to display them in and also my duaghter is eyeing it up for her barbie/bratz dolls lol!xxxx