Well ive signed up to do
Certificate of Papercraft, it is like an Open University course,being done at home,it is being run by Jennie of Jenigami fame, it consists of:-
Mandatory Units
Unit 01 ~ Explore Paper Craft Design Options
Unit 02 ~ Demonstrate Continued Professionalism and Development
Optional Units
Unit 03 ~ Create and Evaluate Card Designs
Unit 04 ~ Create and Evaluate Scrapbook Layouts
Unit 05 ~ Create and Evaluate 3D Paper Craft Designs
Unit 06 ~ Create and Evaluate Electronic Cutting Machine Designs
The NCFE is recognised as an awarding body by the qualifications regulators. They provide a wide range of qualifications at different levels and in a variety of subject areas. Their qualifications are offered to the public via Approved Centres, including schools, colleges, adult education centres and training providers.
The Certificate in Paper Craft is accredited by NCFE. and is brought to you by the Craft Qualifications Centre which is an Approved Centre with NCFE.
All students are registered with NCFE at the outset. The Craft Qualifications Centre then have to comply with a very rigorous process in order to be able to offer and award qualifications. NCFE audit the Craft Qualifications Centre on an annual basis (or more) and have the final say on all qualifications awarded.
Cant wait to get started!